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Hip Osteoarthritis, Genetic Testing

Includes 12 tests
4 - 5 Weeks

Osteoarthritis of the hip is a specific form of osteoarthritis that affects the hip joint, causing pain, stiffness, and reduced range of motion. Treatment options include medications, physical therapy, and, in advanced cases, hip replacement surgery. The assessment of the Polygenic Risk Score for hip osteoarthritis is based on the examination of 28 gene polymorphisms.

Genetic testing for hip osteoarthritis is included along with 11 other diseases in the Genetic Screening for Musculoskeletal Diseases, Polygenic Risk Score.

Causes and non-genetic risk factors

The leading cause of osteoarthritis is wear and tear of the cartilage that forms the joints. In addition to genetics, several non-genetic factors have been identified that can increase the risk of suffering from osteoarthritis:

  • Age. It is much more common after the age of 50
  • Previous injury to the hip joint
  • Inequality in the length of the lower extremities
  • Obesity or overweight
  • Having had developmental dysplasia of the hip, a condition in newborns where the hip joint has not formed correctly

The main symptom of osteoarthritis of the hip is pain. This pain has a gradual onset and worsens over time. It can often be accompanied by stiffness that worsens first thing in the morning or after resting. In addition, there may be a decreased range of motion of the hip that affects the ability to walk, the presence of crepitus during movement, or pain in the groin or thigh.


There is no way to prevent the onset of hip arthritis, but measures can delay its onset or slow its progression, such as maintaining a healthy weight, practicing regular physical exercise, improving posture, or avoiding physical activities that impact the area. Many treatment options help relieve pain and improve mobility, including non-surgical options such as lifestyle modifications, physical therapy, or certain drugs, and surgical options for more advanced cases.

Additional information
Tests includedIncludes 12 tests
Sample Saliva
Results Time4 - 5 Weeks
Procedure completion test
Step 1

Purchase the test you want online

Select the tests you wish, through the most complete range of Preventive and Functional Medicine tests and purchase them online.

Step 2


We send you the certified package - sampling collection kit, to collect your sample, always in accordance with the instructions contained within the kit.

Step 3

Sending your sample

After you have collected your sample, place it in the prepaid shipping package, contact the courier company and send it to our certified laboratory.

Step 4

Receiving the test results

Download your test results easily and securely anytime you want by logging in to your personal account.

Step 1

Book an appointment and buy the test online

Select from the most complete range test of Prevention, Andrology and Diagnostics, book an appointment in real time and purchase them online.

Step 2


Visit the certified laboratory of Diagnostiki Athinon on the date and time you have chosen, to perform the sampling.

Step 3

Receiving the test results

Download your test results easily and securely anytime you want by logging in to your personal account.

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