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Vitamin Basic Profile

Includes 8 Tests
7 Days

The Vitamin Basic Profile includes testing of water-soluble vitamins B1, B2, B6, and C as well as fat-soluble vitamins A (beta-carotene and retinol) and E (alpha- and gamma-tocopherol) and is an excellent tool for a quick and comprehensive assessment of the body's nutritional status. Vitamins are organic substances that are necessary in tiny quantities for the proper functioning of the organism. A diet that includes a variety of foods usually results in the intake of all the essential vitamins.

Who should do the Vitamin Basic Profile?

Those who have symptoms, signs, or laboratory findings that indicate a deficiency of some vitamins

  • Disorders of the skin and mucous membranes, especially lesions in the corners of the mouth (angular cheilitis)
  • Redness of the face
  • Red or white pimples like those of acne
  • Hair loss, alopecia, brittle hair, and nails
  • Nervous system disorders (hallucinations, numbness, irritability, dementia, amnesia)
  • Anemia, increase in homocysteine

Those at risk for vitamin deficiency

  • Gastrointestinal surgeries
  • Celiac disease
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis)
  • Alcoholism
  • Malnutrition
  • Unbalanced diet
  • Extreme diets
  • Pregnancy, lactation
  • Intense physical exercise

Those who use systematic dietary supplements

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Vitamin B1 (thiamine) has a wide range of functions, including many metabolic reactions and the formation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the "energy currency" for every cell type throughout the body. Vitamin B1 deficiencies can occur in people with gastrointestinal disorders, such as celiac disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, or irritable bowel syndrome.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is vital for energy production, enzyme function, and the normal synthesis of fatty acids and amino acids.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal) participates in synthesizing serotonin and norepinephrine, chemicals that transmit signals to the brain (neurotransmitters). It is also involved in forming myelin, a fatty substance that forms the protective layer around nerve cells. Vitamin B6 deficiencies can occur in people with gastrointestinal disorders, such as celiac disease,  inflammatory bowel diseases, or irritable bowel syndrome.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) plays an essential role in the development and repair of body tissues, including the repair and maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth, wound healing, and the formation of fibrous tissue and is involved in the formation of skin, tendons, ligaments, and vessels.

Beta-carotene is a fat-soluble micronutrient that is a precursor to vitamin A. Therefore, a deficiency or decrease in beta-carotene can lead to a vitamin A deficiency. Beta-carotene is the form of vitamin A derived from plant sources (green or orange vegetables and fruits). The body converts β-carotene to vitamin A if the thyroid gland functions normally and the patient does not have diabetes.

Vitamin A is an essential ingredient. It is necessary for good vision, mucosal and skin health, production of sperm and eggs, immune system function, growth, cell division, bone metabolism, antioxidant defense, and cancer prevention. Symptoms and signs of vitamin A deficiency include difficulty seeing, especially at night, bruising of the skin, acne and dry skin, decreased resistance to disease, and poor growth. Preformed vitamin A is found mainly in meat, eggs, and fish.

Vitamin E is an essential antioxidant for tissues, helping to neutralize free radicals and protect cells. Vitamin E is mainly found in two forms: the most active alpha-tocopherol, found in the European diet, where the primary dietary sources are olive oil and sunflower oil, and gamma-tocopherol, which is the most common form in the American diet due to the higher intake of soybean oil and corn oil.

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Tests includedIncludes 8 Tests
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