The Menstrual Cycle Comprehensive Profile (CycloScan®) is a saliva test that evaluates the hormones Estradiol (E2), Progesterone, Testosterone, and Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). For this test, 11 saliva samples are collected at specific dates during the entire menstrual cycle (28 days), allowing the detection of possible imbalances in hormone production during the female reproductive cycle.
The Menstrual Cycle Comprehensive Profile can help identify the underlying causes for many chronic gynecological disorders and fertility to design appropriate individualized treatment interventions.
When is Menstrual Cycle testing useful?
The measurement of sex hormones in the saliva is helpful in the investigation of many pathological gynecological conditions, such as:
- Pre-menstrual syndrome
- Infertility
- Polycystic ovaries
- Heavy bleeding
- Endometriosis
- Osteoporosis
- Mood disorders
- Sleep disorders
- Appetite disorders
- Libido disorders
What are the advantages of measuring the hormones in saliva?
Compared to standard blood hormone tests, salivary hormone measurement offers several advantages:
- The levels of hormones measured in saliva are not bound to proteins (free) and are, therefore, the actual bioavailable fractions of hormones. Various disorders affecting protein production, increasing and decreasing, obesity, and thyroid dysfunction do not affect the measurement of hormones in saliva.
- The levels of bioavailable hormones in saliva correlate with those circulating in the blood. Bioavailable hormone levels are those associated with the underlying symptom.s
- Collecting saliva samples is easy, performed at home, and does not cause additional stress (taking blood for many people is very stressful)
- The sample can be quickly taken any day and at any time so that the circadian (daily) rhythm of hormones and the way they are secreted during days or after specific events can be monitored (e.g., after exercise)
What does the Menstrual Cycle Comprehensive Profile include?
Diagnostiki Athinon’s Menstrual Cycle Comprehensive Profile (CycloScan®) includes the following tests:
The ovaries produce estradiol (E2), the most active form of estrogen before menopause. Normal estrogen levels are essential for a healthy menstrual cycle and fertility.
Progesterone. Progesterone (pregnancy hormone) prepares the endometrium (the uterus's inner lining) for the fertilized egg's implantation. Abnormal progesterone levels can play a role in infertility and recurrent miscarriages.
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) is a hormone produced in the adrenal glands. It is a precursor molecule for synthesizing estrogen and testosterone. Disorders in DHEA levels can lead to disturbances in these hormones.
Testosterone. The "male hormone" is essential in maintaining muscle mass, bone density, metabolism, energy management, and libido. Elevated hormone levels may be associated with acne, facial hair growth, and possibly polycystic ovary syndrome.